2014年5月26日 星期一

狄龙 Ti Lung

狄龙 Ti Lung (1946- )

1. 基本背景资料(由天映娱乐提供)
2. 曾参予工作的电映(以年份排列,由香港映库提供)
3. 不同造型(以年份排列,由香港映库提供)
4. 精选图片集
5. 访谈:
      -  星光传奇 (粤语)
      -  关于电影「光辉岁月」
      -  一个短促访谈 (英语)
6. 曾参予工作的部份电影信息(由本网站提供):
 - 八道楼子7-Man Army
 - 十三太保Heroic Ones, The
 - 小煞星Singing Killer, The
 - 大决斗Duel, The
 - 大海盜Pirate, The
 - 水浒传Water Margin, The
 - 少林五祖 5 Shaolin Masters
 - 少林传人Shaolin Prince
 - 天涯明月刀Magic Blade, The
 - 白玉老虎 Jade Tiger, The
 - 年轻人Young People
 - 多情剑客无情剑Sentimental Swordsman, The
 - 死角Dead End
 - 快活林Delightful Forest, The
 - 冷血十三鹰Avenging Eagle, The
 - 武松Tiger Killer
 - 刺马Blood Brothers, The
 - 明月刀雪夜歼仇Pursuit of Vengeance
 - 后生Young Rebel, The
 - 保镖Have Sword, Will Travel
 - 风流断剑小小刀Deadly Breaking Sword, The
 - 射鵰英雄传Brave Archer, The
 - 射鵰英雄传第三集Brave Archer 3, The
 - 书剑恩仇录Emperor And His Brother, The
 - 拳击Duel Of Fists
 - 教头Kung-fu Instructor, The
 - 教头发威Master Strikes Back, The
 - 报仇Vengeance!
 - 插翅难飞Convict Killer, The
 - 倾国倾城Empress Dowager, The
 - 楚留香Clans Of Intrigue
 - 群英会白水滩Trilogy Of Swordsmanship (White Water Strand)
 - 新独臂刀New One-Armed Swordsman, The
 - 恶客Angry Guest, The
 - 独臂刀王Return Of The One-Armed Swordsman
 - 荡寇志All Men Are Brothers
 - 萧十一郎Swordsman & Enchantress
 - 双侠Deadly Duo, The
 - 瀛台泣血Last Tempest, The
 - 魔殿屠龙Hidden Power of Dragon Sabre, The
 - 鹰王King Eagle
7. 其它信息:
      -  Hong Kong Cinemagic(只有英文版本)
      -  豆瓣电映

2014年5月25日 星期日

Ti Lung 狄龍

Ti Lung 狄龍 (1946- )

1. Basic Information (from Celestial Pictures)
2. Films That Already Worked For (by Year, from hkmdb.com)
3. Various Styling (by Year, from hkmdb.com)
4. Gallery Of Selected Pictures
5. Interviews:
      -  Elegant Trails (Cantonese)
      -  about the movie "Glory Days" (Mandarin)
      -  a short interview
6. Info on Some Movies He Participated: (in this website)
mainly in Traditional Chinese; some also in English
 - 5 Shaolin Masters 少林五祖
 - 7-Man Army八道樓子
 - Angry Guest, The惡客
 - All Men Are Brothers蕩寇誌
 - Avenging Eagle, The冷血十三鷹
 - Blood Brothers, The刺馬
 - Brave Archer, The射鵰英雄傳
 - Brave Archer 3, The射鵰英雄傳第三集
 - Clans Of Intrigue楚留香
 - Convict Killer, The插翅難飛
 - Dead End死角
 - Deadly Breaking Sword, The風流斷劍小小刀
 - Deadly Duo, The雙俠
 - Delightful Forest, The快活林
 - Duel Of Fists拳擊
 - Duel, The大決鬥
 - Emperor And His Brother, The書劍恩仇錄
 - Empress Dowager, The傾國傾城
 - Have Sword, Will Travel保鏢
 - Heroic Ones, The十三太保
 - Hidden Power of Dragon Sabre, The魔殿屠龍
 - Jade Tiger, The白玉老虎
 - King Eagle鷹王
 - Kung-fu Instructor, The教頭
 - Last Tempest, The瀛台泣血
 - Magic Blade, The天涯明月刀
 - Master Strikes Back, The教頭發威
 - New One-Armed Swordsman, The新獨臂刀
 - Pirate, The大海盜
 - Pursuit of Vengeance明月刀雪夜殲仇
 - Return Of The One-Armed Swordsman獨臂刀王
 - Sentimental Swordsman, The多情劍客無情劍
 - Singing Killer, The小煞星
 - Shaolin Prince少林傳人
 - Swordsman & Enchantress蕭十一郎
 - Tiger Killer武松
 - Trilogy Of Swordsmanship: White Water Strand群英會白水灘
 - Vengeance!報仇
 - Water Margin, The水滸傳
 - Young People年輕人
 - Young Rebel, The後生
7. Misc Information:
      -  Hong Kong Cinemagic
      -  movie.douban.com (Chinese only)

2014年5月24日 星期六

感謝致言與免責條款 Acknowledgements and Disclaimers

1. 本網站列出的所有資料,祇為方便瀏覽者參考而已。所有資料應從電影版權擁有人或發行人而來的為準。
2. 本網站的大部份電影資料來源取自影片本身、香港影庫天映娛樂網站、和 YouTube 的網上片段。圖片則從互聯網搜尋而來,而相當數量的DVD 封面、劇照和演員造型都由 shaolinchamber36.comHong Kong Cinemagic豆瓣電影香港影庫而來。在此謹向所有資料提供者(包括以上並未有提及的資料提供者)致謝,令本網站能達到方便想知道更多邵氏電影的瀏覽者。
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1.  In this website, all information is listed for the convenience of viewers.  The correctness of all information should be confirmed by the distributor(s) or the copyright owner(s) of the corresponding movie(s).
2.  Information is from the film itself, Hong Kong Movie Database, Celestial Pictures, and videos from YouTube.  Some pictures and photos are found from Internet.  Many of the DVD covers, photos, and styling portraits are found from shaolinchamber36.com, Hong Kong Cinemagic, douban.com, and Hong Kong Movie Database.  Thanks to all information suppliers, mentioned in this website or not, who made this website more convenient to all viewers wanting to know more about SB movies.
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5. Any quality or useful online movie information for this website is absolutely welcome.  You may leave a message below or send a notification to mysbmovies@gmail.com so that it can be dealt with.

2014年5月23日 星期五

狄龍 Ti Lung

狄龍 Ti Lung (1946- )

1. 基本背景資料(由天映娛樂提供)
2. 曾參予工作的電影(以年份排列,由香港影庫提供)
3. 不同造型(以年份排列,由香港影庫提供)
4. 精選圖片集
5. 訪談:
      -  星光傳奇
      -  關於電影「光輝歲月」 (華語)
      -  一個短促訪談 (英語)
6. 曾參予工作的部份電影資料(由本網站提供):
 - 八道樓子7-Man Army
 - 十三太保Heroic Ones, The
 - 小煞星Singing Killer, The
 - 大決鬥Duel, The
 - 大海盜Pirate, The
 - 水滸傳Water Margin, The
 - 少林五祖 5 Shaolin Masters
 - 少林傳人Shaolin Prince
 - 天涯明月刀Magic Blade, The
 - 白玉老虎 Jade Tiger, The
 - 年輕人Young People
 - 多情劍客無情劍Sentimental Swordsman, The
 - 死角Dead End
 - 快活林Delightful Forest, The
 - 冷血十三鷹Avenging Eagle, The
 - 武松Tiger Killer
 - 刺馬Blood Brothers, The
 - 明月刀雪夜殲仇Pursuit of Vengeance
 - 後生Young Rebel, The
 - 保鏢Have Sword, Will Travel
 - 風流斷劍小小刀Deadly Breaking Sword, The
 - 射鵰英雄傳Brave Archer, The
 - 射鵰英雄傳第三集Brave Archer 3, The
 - 書劍恩仇錄Emperor And His Brother, The
 - 拳擊Duel Of Fists
 - 教頭Kung-fu Instructor, The
 - 教頭發威Master Strikes Back, The
 - 報仇Vengeance!
 - 插翅難飛Convict Killer, The
 - 傾國傾城Empress Dowager, The
 - 楚留香Clans Of Intrigue
 - 群英會白水灘Trilogy Of Swordsmanship (White Water Strand)
 - 新獨臂刀New One-Armed Swordsman, The
 - 惡客Angry Guest, The
 - 獨臂刀王Return Of The One-Armed Swordsman
 - 蕩寇誌All Men Are Brothers
 - 蕭十一郎Swordsman & Enchantress
 - 雙俠Deadly Duo, The
 - 瀛台泣血Last Tempest, The
 - 魔殿屠龍Hidden Power of Dragon Sabre, The
 - 鷹王King Eagle
7. 其它資訊:
      -  Hong Kong Cinemagic(祇有英文版本)
      -  豆瓣電影