2014年5月24日 星期六

感謝致言與免責條款 Acknowledgements and Disclaimers

1. 本網站列出的所有資料,祇為方便瀏覽者參考而已。所有資料應從電影版權擁有人或發行人而來的為準。
2. 本網站的大部份電影資料來源取自影片本身、香港影庫天映娛樂網站、和 YouTube 的網上片段。圖片則從互聯網搜尋而來,而相當數量的DVD 封面、劇照和演員造型都由 shaolinchamber36.comHong Kong Cinemagic豆瓣電影香港影庫而來。在此謹向所有資料提供者(包括以上並未有提及的資料提供者)致謝,令本網站能達到方便想知道更多邵氏電影的瀏覽者。
3. 本網站祇為純粹滿足本網站管理人員的成就感和提供瀏覽者方便而已,侵犯版權絕對並非筆者原意。若不幸有侵犯版權情況或有其它嚴重事項,請盡快留言或傳送電郵至mysbmovies@gmail.com,讓本網站管理人員從速處理。
4. 本網站的目的之一,是為瀏覽者帶來更好和更有質素的的邵氏經典電影資訊。若日後所連接的相關資訊變質,令人產生極度驚嚇、惶恐、困擾等等不安情緒,或者相關資訊帶有明顯污蔑、譭謗、揑造事實等等而令本網站質素明顯變差,歡迎留言或傳送電郵至mysbmovies@gmail.com作出舉報,以便本網站管理人員從速刪除或作出其它處理。由於本網站管理人員並沒有任何權限處理任何所連接的外間相關資訊,所有因此而衍生的問題,概于本網站管理人員無涉。
5. 歡迎為本網站增添有用和更好的網上電影資訊,可留言或傳送電郵至mysbmovies@gmail.com,以便本網站管理人員處理。

1.  In this website, all information is listed for the convenience of viewers.  The correctness of all information should be confirmed by the distributor(s) or the copyright owner(s) of the corresponding movie(s).
2.  Information is from the film itself, Hong Kong Movie Database, Celestial Pictures, and videos from YouTube.  Some pictures and photos are found from Internet.  Many of the DVD covers, photos, and styling portraits are found from shaolinchamber36.com, Hong Kong Cinemagic, douban.com, and Hong Kong Movie Database.  Thanks to all information suppliers, mentioned in this website or not, who made this website more convenient to all viewers wanting to know more about SB movies.
3. This website is just for fulfilling the sense of accomplishment of the website administrator and providing convenience for the viewers.  Copyright infrigement is not the intended purpose.  In case that there is any occasion of such, please leave a message below or send a notification to mysbmovies@gmail.com so that it can be dealt with as soon as possible.
4. One of the purposes of this website is to bring quality information of SB classic movies to the viewers.  If any content of external information may be bad enough to make any viewer frightened, offensive, unpleasant or having any other bad feelings, or such content may make this website disgraceful or unacceptable in any form, please leave a message below or send a notification to mysbmovies@gmail.com so that it can be dealt with as soon as possible.  Due to the fact that the administrator of this website does not have any rights to handle any content of any external information, the website administrator does not have any legal responsibilties derived from such external information.
5. Any quality or useful online movie information for this website is absolutely welcome.  You may leave a message below or send a notification to mysbmovies@gmail.com so that it can be dealt with.

